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<function name="NavSetRandomGoal" parent="NPC" type="classfunc"> <description>Creates a random path of specified minimum length between a closest start node and random node in the specified direction. This won't actually force the NPC to move.</description> <realm>Server</realm> <args> <arg name="minPathLength" type="number">Minimum length of path in units</arg> <arg name="dir" type="Vector">Unit vector pointing in the direction of the target random node</arg> </args> ⤶ <rets>⤶ <ret type="boolean">Whether path generation was successful or not</ret>⤶ </rets>⤶ </function> <example> <description>Example usage. Keep in mind that non scriptable NPCs will override their tasks occasionally. This is meant for scriptable NPCs</description> <code> function MakeNPCGo( npc ) -- Choose a random node to go to at least 200 units away from us in the direction we are looking npc:NavSetRandomGoal( 200, npc:GetAimVector() ) -- At this point npc:GetPathDistanceToGoal() will return a different value, if a new path was generated -- Force us to go there -- 48 is TASK_RUN_PATH npc:StartEngineTask( 48, 0 ) end </code> </example>