Revision Difference
<function name="SetEnemy" parent="NPC" type="classfunc">
<description>Sets the target for an NPC.</description>
<arg name="enemy" type="Entity">The enemy that the NPC should target</arg>
<arg name="newenemy" type="boolean" default="true">Calls <page>NPC:SetCondition</page>(COND_NEW_ENEMY) if the new enemy is valid and not equal to the last enemy.</arg>
<arg name="newenemy" type="boolean" default="true">Calls <page>NPC:SetCondition</page>(COND.NEW_ENEMY) if the new enemy is valid and not equal to the last enemy.</arg>
<description>If an NPC has no specific target, they will start to target the closest player they are hostile to, or nothing if there are none. This is run every tick on the server and can be a bottleneck if player and/or entity counts are high, so consider adding a <page>Global.CurTime</page> cooldown if you plan on using this in-game.</description>
hook.Add( "Think", "NPCAutoSeekPlayer", function()
local npcs = ents.GetAll()
local plys = player.GetAll()
local plyCount = #plys
-- No point trying to give NPCs a player when there are none
if ( plyCount == 0 ) then
-- Loop over all entities and check for NPCs
for i = 1, #npcs do
local npc = npcs[ i ]
-- If this entity is an NPC without an enemy, give them one
if ( npc:IsNPC() && !IsValid( npc:GetEnemy() ) ) then
local curPly = nil -- Closest player
local curPlyPos = nil -- Position of closest player
local curDist = math.huge -- Lowest distance between npc and player
local npcPos = npc:GetPos() -- Position of the NPC
-- Loop over all players to check their distance from the NPC
for i = 1, plyCount do
local ply = plys[ i ]
-- Only consider players that this NPC hates
if ( npc:Disposition( ply ) == D_HT ) then
-- TODO: You can optimise looking up each player's position (constant)
-- for every NPC by generating a table of:
--- key = player identifier (entity object, UserID, EntIndex, etc.)
--- value = player's position vector
-- for the first NPC that passes to this part of the code,
-- then reuse it for other NPCs
local plyPos = ply:GetPos()
-- Use DistToSqr for distance comparisons since
-- it's more efficient than Distance, and the
-- non-squared distance isn't needed for anything
local dist = npcPos:DistToSqr( plyPos )
-- If the new distance is lower, update the player information
if ( dist < curDist ) then
curPly = ply
curPlyPos = plyPos
curDist = dist
-- curPly is guarenteed to be valid since this code
-- will only run if there is at least one player
npc:SetEnemy( curPly )
npc:UpdateEnemyMemory( curPly, curPlyPos )
end )