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<function name="GetFGColor" parent="Panel" type="classfunc"> <description>⤶ <note>Next update</note>⤶ Returns the foreground color of the panel.⤶ <description>Returns the foreground color of the panel.⤶ For a <page>Label</page> or <page>RichText</page>, this is the color of its text. <note>This doesn't apply to all VGUI elements (such as <page>DLabel</page>) and its function varies between them</note> </description> <added>2020.02.24</added>⤶ <added>2020.03.17</added>⤶ <realm>Client</realm> <rets> <ret name="color" type="table">A color structure. See <page>Color</page></ret> </rets> </function>