Revision Difference
<function name="InsertClickableTextStart" parent="Panel" type="classfunc">
Starts the insertion of clickable text for a <page>RichText</page> element. Any text appended with <page>Panel:AppendText</page> between this call and <page>Panel:InsertClickableTextEnd</page> will become clickable text.
The hook <page>PANEL:ActionSignal</page> is called when the text is clicked, with "TextClicked" as the signal name and `signalValue` as the signal value.
<note>The clickable text is a separate Derma panel which will not inherit the current font from the `RichText`.</note>
<arg name="signalValue" type="string">The text passed as the action signal's value.</arg>
<description>Creates a panel with some information on Rich Text panels along with a click-able link to the <page>RichText</page> page.</description>
-- Create a window frame
TextFrame = vgui.Create("DFrame")
TextFrame:SetSize(250, 150)
-- RichText panel
local richtext = vgui.Create("RichText", TextFrame)
richtext:Dock( FILL )
-- First segment
richtext:InsertColorChange(255, 255, 255, 255)
richtext:AppendText("This is a Rich Text panel — a panel used in Source MP's default chat box and developer console.\n\nSee the ")
-- Second segment
richtext:InsertColorChange(192, 192, 255, 255)
richtext:InsertClickableTextStart("OpenWiki") -- Make incoming text fire the "OpenWiki" value when clicked
richtext:AppendText("Garry's Mod Wiki")
richtext:InsertClickableTextEnd() -- End clickable text here
-- Third segment
richtext:InsertColorChange(255, 255, 255, 255)
richtext:AppendText(" for information on how to use a Rich Text panel.")
-- Background color
function richtext:PerformLayout() self:SetBGColor(Color(32, 32, 46)) end
-- Handle any commands we get from the panel
function richtext:ActionSignal(signalName, signalValue)
-- Some clickable text was clicked
if (signalName == "TextClicked") then
if ( signalName == "TextClicked" ) then
-- Open the wiki
if (signalValue == "OpenWiki") then
if ( signalValue == "OpenWiki" ) then
gui.OpenURL( "" )
<output><image src="RichText_InsertClickableText_example.png"/></output>