Revision Difference
<function name="RunJavascript" parent="Panel" type="classfunc">⤶
Runs/Executes a string as JavaScript code in panel.⤶
<note>This function does **NOT** evaluate expression (i.e. allow you to pass variables from JavaScript (JS) to Lua context).&lt;br&gt;Because a return value is nil/no value (a.k.a. void).&lt;br&gt;If you wish to pass/return values from JS to Lua, you may want to use <page>DHTML.AddFunction</page> function to accomplish that job.</note>⤶
<arg name="js" type="string">Specify JavaScript code to be executed.</arg>⤶
<description>Shows how to change [document.body.innerHTML]( property by calling this function on panel.</description>⤶
-- First we create a container, in this case it is a full-screen Derma Frame window.⤶
local dframe = vgui.Create( 'DFrame' )⤶
dframe:SetSize( ScrW(), ScrH() )⤶
dframe:SetTitle( "Garry's Mod Wiki" )⤶
dframe:MakePopup() -- Enable keyboard and mouse interaction for DFrame panel.⤶
-- Create a new DHTML panel as a child of dframe, and dock-fill it.⤶
local dhtml = vgui.Create( 'DHTML', dframe )⤶
dhtml:Dock( FILL )⤶
-- Navigate to Garry's Mod wikipedia website.⤶
dhtml:OpenURL( '' )⤶
-- Run JavaScript code.⤶
dhtml:RunJavascript( <page>document.body.innerHTML = 'HTML changed from Lua using JavaScript!';</page> )⤶
-- This does not throw an error/exception, but instead returns nil/no value.⤶
-- That means you can't pass/return values from JavaScript back to Lua context using this function.⤶
local number = dhtml:Call( '22;' )⤶
print( number )⤶
<output>Inner HTML of document body in DHTML panel is now set to "HTML changed from Lua using JavaScript!".</output>⤶