Garry's Mod Wiki

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<function name="RunJavascript" parent="Panel" type="classfunc"> <realm>Client</realm>⤶ <realm>Client and Menu</realm>⤶ <description> Runs/Executes a string as JavaScript code in a panel. <note>This function does **NOT** evaluate expression (i.e. allow you to pass variables from JavaScript (JS) to Lua context).<br/>Because a return value is nil/no value (a.k.a. void).<br/>If you wish to pass/return values from JS to Lua, you may want to use <page>DHTML:AddFunction</page> function to accomplish that job.</note> <note>The Awesomium web renderer automatically delays the code execution if the document is not ready, but the Chromium web renderer does not! This means that with Chromium, you cannot JavaScript run code immediatly after calling <page>Panel:SetHTML</page> or <page>DHTML:OpenURL</page>. You should wait for the events <page>PANEL:OnDocumentReady</page> or <page>PANEL:OnFinishLoadingDocument</page> to be triggered before proceeding, otherwise you may manipulate an empty / incomplete document.</note> </description> <args> <arg name="js" type="string">Specify JavaScript code to be executed.</arg> </args> </function> <example> <description>Shows how to change [document.body.innerHTML]( property by calling this function on panel.</description> <code> -- First we create a container, in this case it is a full-screen Derma Frame window. local dframe = vgui.Create( 'DFrame' ) dframe:SetSize( ScrW(), ScrH() ) dframe:SetTitle( "Garry's Mod Wiki" ) dframe:Center() dframe:MakePopup() -- Enable keyboard and mouse interaction for DFrame panel. -- Create a new DHTML panel as a child of dframe, and dock-fill it. local dhtml = vgui.Create( 'DHTML', dframe ) dhtml:Dock( FILL ) -- Navigate to Garry's Mod wikipedia website. dhtml:OpenURL( '' ) -- Run JavaScript code. dhtml:RunJavascript( [[document.body.innerHTML = 'HTML changed from Lua using JavaScript!';]] ) -- This does not throw an error/exception, but instead returns nil/no value. -- That means you can't pass/return values from JavaScript back to Lua context using this function. local number = dhtml:Call( '22;' ) print( number ) </code> <output>Inner HTML of document body in DHTML panel is now set to "HTML changed from Lua using JavaScript!".</output> </example>