Revision Difference
<function name="StartSprinting" parent="Player" type="classfunc">
<deprecated>This appears to be a direct binding to internal functionality that is overridden by the engine every frame so calling these functions may not have any or expected effect.</deprecated>
Doesn't appear to do anything.
<description>An example alternative to this function.</description>
local vDelay = 0
local prevDown = 0
hook.Add( "StartCommand", "TestFunc", function( ply, cmd )
if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_FORWARD ) and prevDown == false ) then
vDelay = CurTime() + 0.4
elseif ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_FORWARD ) ) then
if ( vDelay < CurTime() )then
cmd:SetButtons( bit.bor( cmd:GetButtons(), IN_SPEED ) )
prevDown = cmd:KeyDown(IN_FORWARD)
prevDown = cmd:KeyDown( IN_FORWARD )
end )