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<function name="SteamID" parent="Player" type="classfunc"> <description> Returns the player's SteamID. In singleplayer, this will be STEAM_ID_PENDING serverside. For Bots this will return "BOT" on the server and on the client it returns "NULL". Use <page>Player:AccountID</page> for a shorter version of the SteamID. </description> <realm>Shared</realm> <rets> <ret name="" type="string">SteamID</ret> </rets> </function> <example> <description>Prints the EntityID, Name and SteamID of all players</description> <code> for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do print( "[" .. v:EntIndex() .. "]", v:Name(), v:SteamID( ) ) end </code> <output>A list consisting of every player's EntityID, Name &amp; SteamID on the server.</output> <output>A list consisting of every player's EntityID, Name & SteamID on the server.</output> </example>