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<cat>struct</cat>⤶ <structure> <realm>Client</realm> <description> Structure for <page>Global.DynamicLight</page>. All members are case insensitive. <note>This is an actual class named **dlight_t**, not a table.</note> </description> <fields> <item name="brightness" type="number">The brightness of the light.</item> <item name="decay" type="number">Fade out speed. Here's a formula for calculating Decay for your light: 1000 / fadeOutTimeInSeconds. For example setting decay to 1000 would fade out the light in 1 second, 2000 - 0.5 seconds.</item> <item name="dietime" type="number">Time after which light will be removed. This is relative to <page>Global.CurTime</page>. If you put in a value that is less than or equal to <page>Global.CurTime</page>, the light will not behave properly. Note, that it does not affect fading out. Light will be removed regardless of it being fully faded out or not.</item> <item name="dir" type="Vector" default="Vector( 0, 0, 0 )">The light direction. Used with **InnerAngle** and **OuterAngle**.</item> <item name="innerangle" type="number" default="0">The closer this is to zero, the smoother the light will be. Requires **Dir** and **OuterAngle** to be set.</item> <item name="outerangle" type="number" default="0">The angle of the Dynamic Light. Requires **Dir** to be set.</item> <item name="key" type="number">Makes the light brighter and flicker? Changing the value does not seem to affect anything.</item> <item name="minlight" type="number" default="0">Minimum light</item> <item name="noworld" type="boolean" default="false">Don't light the world. Has no effect for elights since they never light the world.</item> <item name="nomodel" type="boolean" default="false">Don't light models</item> <item name="pos" type="Vector">Position of the light</item> <item name="size" type="number">Radius of the light</item> <item name="style" type="number">Flicker style, see [this page]( for examples.</item> <item name="b" type="number">The blue part of the color</item> <item name="g" type="number">The green part of the color</item> <item name="r" type="number">The red part of the color</item> </fields> </structure>