Revision Difference
Table structure used for <page>render.RenderView</page>.
Unless stated otherwise, the default values for all these keys would be inherited from the engine's CViewSetup and do not have static representations.
<item name="origin" type="Vector">The view's original position</item>
<item name="angles" type="Angle">The view's angles</item>
<item name="aspect" type="number">Default width divided by height. Has a deprecated alias `aspectratio`.</item>
<item name="x" type="number">The x position of the viewport to render in</item>
<item name="y" type="number">The y position of the viewport to render in</item>
<item name="w" type="number">The width of the viewport to render in</item>
<item name="h" type="number">The height of the viewport to render in</item>
<item name="drawhud" type="boolean" default="false">Draw the HUD and call the hud painting related hooks</item>
<item name="drawmonitors" type="boolean" default="false">Draw monitors</item>
<item name="drawviewmodel" type="boolean" default="true">The weapon's viewmodel</item>
<item name="drawviewer" type="boolean" default="false">The local player</item>⤶
<item name="drawviewer" type="boolean" default="false" added="2025.03.05">Whether to force draw the local player or not.</item>⤶
<item name="viewmodelfov" type="number">The viewmodel's FOV</item>
<item name="fov" type="number">The main view's FOV</item>
<item name="ortho" type="table">If set, renders the view orthogonally. A table with these keys:
* left
* right
* top
* bottom</item>
<item name="ortholeft" type="number">Coordinate for the left clipping plane. Requires `ortho` to be set to `true`.
**Deprecated**: Use `ortho` table instead!</item>
<item name="orthoright" type="number">Coordinate for the right clipping plane. Requires `ortho` to be set to `true`.
**Deprecated**: Use `ortho` table instead!</item>
<item name="orthotop" type="number">Coordinate for the top clipping plane. Requires `ortho` to be set to `true`.
**Deprecated**: Use `ortho` table instead!</item>
<item name="orthobottom" type="number">Coordinate for the bottom clipping plane. Requires `ortho` to be set to `true`.
**Deprecated**: Use `ortho` table instead!</item>
<item name="znear" type="number">The distance of the view's origin to the near clipping plane</item>
<item name="zfar" type="number">The distance of the view's origin to the far clipping plane</item>
<item name="znearviewmodel" type="number">The distance of the view's origin to the near clipping plane for the viewmodel</item>
<item name="zfarviewmodel" type="number">The distance of the view's origin to the far clipping plane for the viewmodel</item>
<item name="dopostprocess" type="boolean" default="false">
Currently works identically to the "bloomtone" option (it also overrides it if you set this to false).</item>
<item name="bloomtone" type="boolean" default="true">Disables default engine bloom and pauses the "brightness changes" on HDR maps.</item>
<item name="viewid" type="number" default="0">This is identifying which logical part of the scene an entity is being redered in, see <page>Enums/VIEW</page>.</item>
<item name="offcenter" type="table">This allows you to "zoom in" on a part of the screen - for example, the top-left quarter of the screen. This is similar to how [poster splits the screen]( into separate renders.
It's a table with 4 keys, controlling what portion of the screen to draw:
* left - where the left edge starts. Natural value is 0.
* right - where the right edge ends. Natural value is equal to w (the width of the viewport).
* top - where the `bottom` edge starts. Natural value is 0.
* bottom - where the `top` edge ends. Natural value is equal to h (the height of the viewport).
Note that top and bottom are reversed.
Values outside the viewport are allowed, but not recommended - instead you should increase the view FOV.</item>