Revision Difference
<function name="DistToSqr" parent="Vector" type="classfunc">
<description>Returns the squared distance of 2 vectors, this is faster than <page>Vector:Distance</page> as calculating the square root is an expensive process.
<note>Squared distances should not be summed. If you need to sum distances, use <page>Vector:Distance</page>.</note>⤶
<note>When peforming a distance check, ensure the distance being checked against is squared. See example code below.</note>
<note>Squared distances should not be summed. If you need to sum distances, use <page>Vector:Distance</page>.⤶
When performing a distance check, ensure the distance being checked against is squared. See example code below.</note>
<arg name="otherVec" type="Vector">The vector to calculate the distance to.</arg>
<ret name="" type="number">Squared distance to the vector</ret>⤶
<ret name="" type="number">Squared distance to the vector.</ret>⤶
<description>Checks if a player is within `dist` units of another player in the most efficient way possible.</description>
function PlayerWithinBounds(ply, otherPly, dist)
function PlayerWithinBounds( ply, target, dist )
-- Square the input distance in order to perform our distance check on Source units.
local distsqr = dist * dist
return ply:GetPos():DistToSqr(otherPly:GetPos()) < distsqr⤶
local distSqr = dist * dist
return ply:GetPos():DistToSqr( target:GetPos() ) < distSqr⤶
print(PlayerWithinBounds(Entity(1), Entity(2), 500))
print( PlayerWithinBounds( Entity(1), Entity(2), 500 ) )
</example> <output>⤶