Revision Difference
<function name="AddChangeCallback" parent="cvars" type="libraryfunc">
Adds a callback to be called when the named convar changes.
<bug issue="1440">This does not callback convars in the menu state.</bug>
<bug issue="3503">This does not callback convars on the client with FCVAR_GAMEDLL and convars on the server without FCVAR_GAMEDLL.</bug>
<bug issue="3740">This does not callback convars on the client with FCVAR_REPLICATED.</bug>
<realm>Shared and Menu</realm>
<file line="54-L81">lua/includes/modules/cvars.lua</file>
<arg name="name" type="string">The name of the convar to add the change callback to.</arg>
<arg name="callback" type="function">The function to be called when the convar changes. The arguments passed are:⤶
* <page>string</page> convar - The name of the convar.⤶
* <page>string</page> oldValue - The old value of the convar.⤶
* <page>string</page> newValue - The new value of the convar.</arg>
<arg name="identifier" type="string" default="nil">If set, you will be able to remove the callback using <page>cvars.RemoveChangeCallback</page>. The identifier is not required to be globally unique, as it's paired with the actual name of the convar.</arg>
<arg name="callback" type="function">The function to be called when the convar changes. ⤶
<arg type="string" name="convar">The name of the convar.</arg>⤶
<arg type="string" name="oldValue">The old value of the convar.</arg>
<arg type="string" name="newValue">The new value of the convar.</arg>
<arg name="identifier" type="string" default="nil">If set, you will be able to remove the callback using <page>cvars.RemoveChangeCallback</page>.⤶
The identifier is not required to be globally unique, as it's paired with the actual name of the convar.</arg>⤶
<description>Called when convar changes.</description>
cvars.AddChangeCallback("convar name", function(convar_name, value_old, value_new)
print(convar_name, value_old, value_new)
<output>"convar name" 2 5</output>