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<function name="RegisterConstraint" parent="duplicator" type="libraryfunc"> <description>Register a function used for creating a duplicated constraint.</description> <realm>Shared</realm> <file line="367-L374">lua/includes/modules/duplicator.lua</file> <args> <arg name="name" type="string">The unique name of new constraint</arg> <arg name="callback" type="function">Function to be called when this constraint is created</arg> <arg name="customData" type="vararg">Arguments passed to the callback function</arg> </args> </function> <example> <description>Example of how to define a custom constraint. You apply the constraint via the custom `constraint_MyCustomConstraint` function, and it will automatically support duplicator.</description> <code> function constraint_MyCustomConstraint( Ent1, Ent2, MyCoolData ) if ( !IsValid( Ent1 ) ) then return end if ( !IsValid( Ent2 ) ) then return end -- Your custom constraint code here, you can use "MyCoolData" here, as well as any custom arguments -- Just make sure to save each custom argument in the Ent2 table below, -- and add them to duplicator.RegisterConstraint below as well constraint.AddConstraintTable( Ent1, Ent2, Ent2 ) Ent2:SetTable( { Type = "MyCustomConstraint", Ent1 = Ent1, Ent2 = Ent2, MyCoolData = MyCoolData } ) return Ent2 end duplicator.RegisterConstraint( "MyCustomConstraint", constraint_MyCustomConstraint, "Ent1", "Ent2", "MyCoolData" ) if ( !IsValid( Ent1 ) ) then return end if ( !IsValid( Ent2 ) ) then return end -- Your custom constraint code here, you can use "MyCoolData" here, as well as any custom arguments -- Just make sure to save each custom argument in the Ent2 table below, -- and add them to duplicator.RegisterConstraint below as well constraint.AddConstraintTable( Ent1, Ent2, Ent2 ) Ent2:SetTable( { Type = "MyCustomConstraint", Ent1 = Ent1, Ent2 = Ent2, MyCoolData = MyCoolData } ) return Ent2 end duplicator.RegisterConstraint( "MyCustomConstraint", constraint_MyCustomConstraint, "Ent1", "Ent2", "MyCoolData" ) </code> </example>