Revision Difference
<function name="Find" parent="file" type="libraryfunc">
Returns a list of files and directories inside a single folder.
<warning>It seems that paths with capital letters (e.g. lua/MyFolder/*) don't work as expected on Linux.</warning>
<realm>Shared and Menu</realm>
<arg name="name" type="string">The wildcard to search for. `models/*.mdl` will list **.mdl** files in the `models/` folder.</arg>
<arg name="path" type="string">The path to look for the files and directories in. See <page text="this list">File_Search_Paths</page> for a list of valid paths.</arg>
<arg name="sorting" type="string" default="nameasc">The sorting to be used, **optional**.
* `nameasc` sort the files ascending by name.
* `namedesc` sort the files descending by name.
* `dateasc` sort the files ascending by date.
* `datedesc` sort the files descending by date.
<ret name="" type="table">A table of found files, or `nil` if the path is invalid</ret>
<ret name="" type="table">A table of found directories, or `nil` if the path is invalid</ret>
<description>Prints the first file and the first directory in the `data` folder.</description>
local files, directories = file.Find( "*", "DATA" )
print( "File: " .. files[1], "Folder: " .. directories[1] )
File: helloworld.txt
Folder: ctp
<description>A poor-mans `whereis file` that can directly look inside a specific addon or all of them, recursively searches engine.GetAddons+addon titles for specific files inside them</description>⤶
local function recurseListContents(path, addon, direct, pattern)⤶
local files, dirs = file.Find(path.."*", addon)⤶
local matchedFiles = {}⤶
for _, v in ipairs(files) do⤶
local fullPath = path..v⤶
if not pattern or string.match(fullPath, pattern) then⤶
table.insert(matchedFiles, fullPath)⤶
if direct then return matchedFiles end⤶
for _, dir in ipairs(dirs) do⤶
local subFiles = recurseListContents(path..dir.."/", addon, false, pattern)⤶
for _, file in ipairs(subFiles) do⤶
table.insert(matchedFiles, file)⤶
return matchedFiles⤶
function FindContentInAddon(the_special_content, in_a_specific_addon)⤶
local addons = engine.GetAddons()⤶
if not the_special_content then⤶
for _, addon in ipairs(addons) do⤶
local title = addon.title⤶
print("\nListing contents:", title)⤶
recurseListContents("", title, false)⤶
local found = {}⤶
for _, addon in ipairs(addons) do⤶
local title = in_a_specific_addon or addon.title⤶
local path = addon.file⤶
local pattern = the_special_content:gsub("%*", ".*")⤶
local files = recurseListContents("", title, false, pattern)⤶
if #files > 0 then⤶
table.insert(found, {title, files, path})⤶
if in_a_specific_addon then break end⤶
if #found > 0 then⤶
for _, v in ipairs(found) do⤶
local matches = #v[2]⤶
print(matches.." Match/es found in addon \""..v[1].."\" mounted at "..v[3])⤶
for _, filePath in ipairs(v[2]) do⤶
print(" - "..filePath)⤶
if in_a_specific_addon then⤶
print(the_special_content.." not found in "..in_a_specific_addon.."!")⤶
print(" - "..the_special_content.." not found!")⤶
concommand.Add("find_content", function(ply, cmd, args) FindContentInAddon(args[1], args[2]) end)⤶
] find_content *⤶
- lists all content in all addons, wildcards supported :)⤶
] find_content *.lua⤶
2 Match/es found in addon "Extended Spawnmenu" mounted at content/4000/104603291/104603291.gma⤶
- lua/autorun/rb655_extended_spawnmenu.lua⤶
- lua/autorun/rb655_legacy_addon_props.lua⤶
9 Match/es found in addon "Seamless Portals" mounted at content/4000/2773737445/gmpublisher.gma⤶
- lua/autorun/sh_detours.lua⤶
- lua/autorun/sh_portal_movement.lua⤶
- lua/autorun/client/cl_render_core.lua⤶
- lua/autorun/server/sv_portals_pvs.lua⤶
- lua/autorun/server/sv_prop_teleport.lua⤶
- lua/entities/seamless_portal.lua⤶
- lua/weapons/portal_gun.lua⤶
- lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/portal_creator_tool.lua⤶
- lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/portal_resizer_tool.lua⤶
7 Match/es found in addon "Track Assembly Tool" mounted at content/4000/287012681/TrackAssemblyTool.gma⤶
- lua/autorun/trackassembly_init.lua⤶
- lua/autorun/z_autorun_[shinji85_s_rails].lua⤶
- lua/entities/gmod_wire_expression2/core/custom/cl_trackasmlib_wire.lua⤶
- lua/entities/gmod_wire_expression2/core/custom/trackasmlib_wire.lua⤶
- lua/trackassembly/trackasmlib.lua⤶
- lua/vgui/dasminsliderbutton.lua⤶
- lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/trackassembly.lua⤶
1 Match/es found in addon "Collision Resizer (ENHANCED)" mounted at cache/workshop/217376234.gma⤶
- lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/advresizer.lua⤶
4 Match/es found in addon "Advanced Material | REBORN" mounted at content/4000/3118788923/gmpublisher.gma⤶
- lua/autorun/sh_mateditor_loader.lua⤶
- lua/mateditor/sh_advmat_footsteps.lua⤶
- lua/mateditor/sh_mateditor.lua⤶
- lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/advmat.lua⤶
] find_content m_anm.mdl⤶
1 Match/es found in addon "[wOS] Animation Extension - Base (Full Version)" mounted at content/4000/757604550/wiltos_animation_base.gma⤶
- models/m_anm.mdl⤶