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<function name="GetTimeScale" parent="game" type="libraryfunc"> <description>Returns the time scale of the game</description>⤶ <description>⤶ Returns the time scale set with <page>game.SetTimeScale</page>. ⤶ If you want to get the value of `host_timescale` use⤶ ```lua⤶ local timescale = GetConVar( "host_timescale" ):GetFloat()⤶ ```⤶ </description>⤶ <realm>Shared</realm> <rets> <ret name="" type="number">The time scale</ret> </rets> </function> ⤶ <example>⤶ <description>Printing the true timescale.</description>⤶ <code>⤶ -- getting the true timescale.⤶ local host_timescale = math.Round( GetConVar( "host_timescale" ):GetFloat(), 1 ) -- it will return 1.0000000149012 so we use math.Round⤶ local game_timescale = game.GetTimeScale()⤶ print( "True Timescale: " .. host_timescale * game_timescale )⤶ ⤶ -- example of the true timescale⤶ if SERVER then⤶ RunConsoleCommand( "host_timescale", 0.2 ) -- we cannot use SetFloat on a ConVar not created by Lua.⤶ game.SetTimeScale(5)⤶ end⤶ ⤶ local host_timescale = math.Round( GetConVar( "host_timescale" ):GetFloat(), 1 ) -- it will return 0.20000000298023 so we use math.Round⤶ local game_timescale = game.GetTimeScale()⤶ print( "Host_TimeScale: " .. host_timescale )⤶ print( "Game_TimeScale: " .. game_timescale )⤶ print( "True Timescale: " .. host_timescale * game_timescale ) -- should be 1 because 0.2 * 5 is 1.⤶ </code>⤶ <output>⤶ ```lua⤶ True Timescale: 1⤶ ⤶ Host_TimeScale: 0.2⤶ Game_TimeScale: 5⤶ True Timescale: 1⤶ ```⤶ </output>⤶ </example>