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<cat>gameevent</cat> <title>OnRequestFullUpdate</title> <structure> <realm>Shared and Menu</realm> <description> Called when a player requests a full update from the server. Called Clientside when the Update is received or when another player requested a full update. <note> When this event is called the first time for a client, <page>net</page> messages will be reliably received by the client. This gameevent is called twice for the player, because it is first called serverside and networked, but then also called clientside. </note> </description> <fields> <item type="string" name="networkid">The SteamID the player has. Will be `BOT` for bots and `STEAM_0:0:0` in single-player.</item> <item type="string" name="name">The <page text="name">Player:Nick</page> the player has.</item> <item type="number" name="userid">The <page text="UserID">Player:UserID</page> the player has.</item> <item type="number" name="index">The <page text="EntIndex">Entity:EntIndex</page> of the player, minus one.</item> </fields> </structure> # Examples <example> <description>Early Networking Example</description> <code> local pending_players = {} hook.Add( "PlayerInitialSpawn", "EarlyNetworking_Example", function( ply ) pending_players[ ply:UserID() ] = true local Queue = {} hook.Add( "PlayerInitialSpawn", "EarlyNetworkingExample", function( ply ) Queue[ ply:UserID() ] = true end ) gameevent.Listen( "OnRequestFullUpdate" ) hook.Add( "OnRequestFullUpdate", "OnRequestFullUpdate_example", function( data ) local index = data.index // Same as Entity:EntIndex() minus one⤶ if !pending_players[ index ] then return end⤶ pending_players[ index ] = nil⤶ // Some networking here⤶ end ) hook.Add( "OnRequestFullUpdate", "EarlyNetworkingExample", function( data ) local UID = data.userid -- Same as Player:UserID()⤶ ⤶ if ( not Queue[ UID ] ) then⤶ return⤶ end⤶ Queue[ UID ] = nil⤶ ⤶ -- Some networking here⤶ ⤶ -- net.Start( 'YourCoolNetMessage' ) -- net.Send( Player( UID ) )⤶ ⤶ end )⤶ </code> </example> <example> <description>This is a basic template with the purpose of including all arguments / table variables to make it easily known which values can be accessed.</description> <code> gameevent.Listen( "OnRequestFullUpdate" ) hook.Add( "OnRequestFullUpdate", "OnRequestFullUpdate_example", function( data ) local name = // Same as Player:Nick() local steamid = data.networkid // Same as Player:SteamID() local id = data.userid // Same as Player:UserID() local index = data.index // Same as Entity:EntIndex() minus one // Called when a player requests a full update from the server. end ) </code> </example>