Revision Difference
<realm>Shared and Menu</realm>
Called when a player's info has changed over the network.
Called when a player's info has changed over the network.
When a Client joins the Server, this gameevent is called for each player on the server for the client. ⤶
So if 32 Players are on the Server, this gameevent is called 32 times on the Client.⤶
<item type="number" name="friendsid">The <page>Player:AccountID</page> of the Player.</item>
<item type="number" name="index">The <page text="EntIndex">Entity:EntIndex</page> of the Player minus one.</item>
<item type="number" name="bot">1 or 0 if it is a bot or not.</item>
<item type="number" name="userid">The <page text="UserID">Player:UserID</page> of the Player.</item>
<item type="string" name="name">The <page text="Name">Player:Name</page> of the Player.</item>
<item type="string" name="networkid">The <page text="SteamID">Player:SteamID</page> of the Player.</item>
# Examples
<description>This is a basic template with the purpose of including all arguments / table variables to make it easily known which values can be accessed.</description>
gameevent.Listen( "player_info" )
hook.Add( "player_info", "player_info_example", function( data )
local name = // Same as Player:Nick()
local steamid = data.networkid // Same as Player:SteamID()
local id = data.userid // Same as Player:UserID()
local bot = // Same as Player:IsBot()
local index = data.index // Same as Entity:EntIndex() minus one
local friendsid = data.friendsid // Same as Player:AccountID()
// Player has connected; this happens instantly after they join -- do something..
end )