Revision Difference
<function name="Remove" parent="hook" type="libraryfunc">⤶
<description>Removes the hook with the supplied identifier from the given event.</description>⤶
<realm>Shared and Menu</realm>⤶
<file line="42">lua/includes/modules/hook.lua</file>⤶
<arg name="eventName" type="string">The event name.</arg>⤶
<arg name="identifier" type="any">The unique identifier of the hook to remove, usually a string.</arg>⤶
<description>Darkens the player's screen for 15 seconds.</description>⤶
hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "my_hook_identifier", function()⤶
surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 0, 150 )⤶
surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, ScrW(), ScrH() )⤶
end )⤶
timer.Simple( 15, function()⤶
hook.Remove( "HUDPaint", "my_hook_identifier" )⤶
end )⤶
<output>After the hook gets removed, the dark overlay doesn't appear anymore.</output>⤶