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<type name="math.ease" category="libraryfunc" is="library">
<summary>An easing library that allows you to interpolate with various kinds of smoothing functions. To use with <page>Global.Lerp</page>, input what you would to the fraction argument in one of these easing functions and then the output of that into the <page>Global.Lerp</page> fraction argument.</summary>⤶
<summary>An easing library that allows you to interpolate with various kinds of smoothing functions. To use with <page>Global.Lerp</page>, input what you would to the fraction argument in one of these easing functions and then the output of that into the <page>Global.Lerp</page> fraction argument.⤶
<description>Example usage with Lerp and <page>math.ease.InSine</page></description>⤶
local easedFraction = math.ease.InSine(.25) --25% progress is now eased in using sine.⤶
print(Lerp(.25, 0, 1))⤶
print(Lerp(easedFraction, 0, 1))⤶
print(Lerp(.25, 0, 5))⤶
print(Lerp(easedFraction, 0, 5))⤶