Revision Difference
<function name="Begin" parent="mesh" type="libraryfunc">
<description>Starts a new dynamic mesh. If an <page>IMesh</page> is passed, it will use that mesh instead.</description>
<arg name="mesh" type="IMesh" default="nil">Mesh to build. This argument can be removed if you wish to build a "dynamic" mesh. See examples below.</arg>
<arg name="primitiveType" type="number">Primitive type, see <page>MATERIAL</page>.</arg>
<arg name="mesh" type="IMesh" default="nil">Mesh to build. This argument can be removed if you wish to build a "dynamic" mesh. See examples below.</arg>
<arg name="primitiveType" type="number">Primitive type, see <page>MATERIAL</page>.</arg>
<arg name="primiteCount" type="number">The amount of primitives.</arg>
<description>Draws a triangle near Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) in the map using a dynamic mesh.</description>
local mat = Material( "editor/wireframe" ) -- The material (a wireframe)
local verts = { -- A table of 3 vertices that form a triangle
{ pos = Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), u = 0, v = 0 }, -- Vertex 1
{ pos = Vector( 10, 0, 0 ), u = 1, v = 0 }, -- Vertex 2
{ pos = Vector( 10, 10, 0 ), u = 1, v = 1 }, -- Vertex 3
hook.Add( "PostDrawOpaqueRenderables", "MeshLibTest", function()
render.SetMaterial( mat ) -- Apply the material
mesh.Begin( MATERIAL_TRIANGLES, 1 ) -- Begin writing to the dynamic mesh
for i = 1, #verts do
mesh.Position( verts[i].pos ) -- Set the position
mesh.TexCoord( 0, verts[i].u, verts[i].v ) -- Set the texture UV coordinates
mesh.AdvanceVertex() -- Write the vertex
mesh.End() -- Finish writing the mesh and draw it
end )
<description>Draws a triangle near Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) in the map using a static mesh.</description>
local mat = Material( "editor/wireframe" ) -- The material (a wireframe)
local obj = Mesh() -- Create the IMesh object
local verts = { -- A table of 3 vertices that form a triangle
{ pos = Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), u = 0, v = 0 }, -- Vertex 1
{ pos = Vector( 10, 0, 0 ), u = 1, v = 0 }, -- Vertex 2
{ pos = Vector( 10, 10, 0 ), u = 1, v = 1 }, -- Vertex 3
mesh.Begin( obj, MATERIAL_TRIANGLES, 1 ) -- Begin writing to the static mesh
for i = 1, #verts do
mesh.Position( verts[i].pos ) -- Set the position
mesh.TexCoord( 0, verts[i].u, verts[i].v ) -- Set the texture UV coordinates
mesh.AdvanceVertex() -- Write the vertex
mesh.End() -- Finish writing to the IMesh
hook.Add( "PostDrawOpaqueRenderables", "MeshLibTest", function()
render.SetMaterial( mat ) -- Apply the material
obj:Draw() -- Draw the mesh
end )