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<function name="Start" parent="net" type="libraryfunc"> <description> Begins a new net message. If another net message is already started and hasn't been sent yet, it will be discarded. <warning>Each net message has a length limit of 65,533 bytes (approximately 64 KiB) and your net message will error and fail to send if it is larger than this. The message name must be pooled with <page>util.AddNetworkString</page> beforehand! Net messages will not reliably reach the client until the client's <page>GM:InitPostEntity</page> hook is called.</warning> </description> <realm>Shared</realm> <args> <arg name="messageName" type="string">The name of the message to send</arg> <arg name="unreliable" type="boolean" default="false">If set to `true`, the message is not guaranteed to reach its destination</arg> </args> <rets> <ret name="" type="boolean">`true` if the message has been started.</ret> </rets> </function> <example> <description>Adds a console command that sends a message to all clients.</description> <code> if ( SERVER ) then ⤶ util.AddNetworkString( "my_message" ) concommand.Add( "send_msg", function( ply, cmd, args, str ) if ( str == "" ) then str = "No message given" end net.Start( "my_message" ) net.WriteString( str ) net.WriteColor( ply:GetColor(), false ) net.Broadcast() end ) ⤶ util.AddNetworkString( "my_message" ) concommand.Add( "send_msg", function( ply, cmd, args, str ) if ( str == "" ) then str = "No message given" end net.Start( "my_message" ) net.WriteString( str ) net.WriteColor( ply:GetColor(), false ) net.Broadcast() end ) else ⤶ net.Receive( "my_message", function( len, ply ) -- Important: reading in the same order as we write! local message = net.ReadString() local color = net.ReadColor( false ) print( "Message from server received." ) MsgC( color, message ) ⤶ end ) ⤶ net.Receive( "my_message", function( len, ply ) -- Important: reading in the same order as we write! local message = net.ReadString() local color = net.ReadColor( false ) print( "Message from server received." ) MsgC( color, message ) ⤶ end ) end </code> </example>