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<function name="WriteNormal" parent="net" type="libraryfunc"> <description> Writes a normalized/direction vector ( Vector with length of 1 ) to the net message. This function uses less bandwidth compared to <page>net.WriteVector</page> and will not send vectors with length of &gt; 1 properly. This function uses less bandwidth compared to <page>net.WriteVector</page> and will not send vectors with length of > 1 properly. </description> <realm>Shared</realm> <args> <arg name="normal" type="Vector">The normalized/direction vector to be send.</arg> </args> </function> <example> <description>Showcases the difference between this function and <page>net.WriteVector</page>.</description> <code> if ( SERVER ) then util.AddNetworkString( "test1" ) util.AddNetworkString( "test2" ) timer.Simple( 1, function() net.Start( "test1" ) net.WriteVector( Vector( 1.23456789, 2.3456789, 3.456789 ) ) net.Broadcast() net.Start( "test2" ) net.WriteNormal( Vector( 1.23456789, 2.3456789, 3.456789 ) ) net.Broadcast() net.Start( "test2" ) net.WriteNormal( Vector( 1.23456789, 2.3456789, 3.456789 ):GetNormalized() ) net.Broadcast() net.Start( "test2" ) net.WriteNormal( Vector( 0.5, -0.5, 0.23 ) ) net.Broadcast() end ) else net.Receive( "test1", function( ... ) print( ... ) print( net.ReadVector() ) end ) net.Receive( "test2", function( ... ) print( ... ) print( net.ReadNormal() ) end ) end </code> <output> ``` 69 nil 1.218750 2.343750 3.437500 27 nil 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 27 nil 0.283341 0.538349 0.793661 27 nil 0.499756 -0.499756 0.707452 ``` </output> </example>