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<function name="ClearStencil" parent="render" type="libraryfunc"> <description>Resets all values in the stencil buffer to zero.</description>⤶ <realm>Client and Menu</realm>⤶ </function>⤶ ⤶ <example>⤶ <description> A silly example that shows that nothing will render if you clear the stencil buffer (from [Lex's Stencil Tutorial]( Sets the Stencil Buffer value to `0` for all pixels in the currently active <page text="Render Target">render_rendertargets</page>. For more detailed information on the Stencil system, including usage examples, see the <page text="Stencils Render Reference">render_stencils</page> page⤶ </description> <code>⤶ hook.Add( "PostDrawOpaqueRenderables", "Stencil Tutorial Example", function()⤶ -- Reset everything to known good⤶ render.SetStencilWriteMask( 0xFF )⤶ render.SetStencilTestMask( 0xFF )⤶ render.SetStencilReferenceValue( 0 )⤶ render.SetStencilCompareFunction( STENCIL_ALWAYS )⤶ render.SetStencilPassOperation( STENCIL_KEEP )⤶ render.SetStencilFailOperation( STENCIL_KEEP )⤶ render.SetStencilZFailOperation( STENCIL_KEEP )⤶ ⤶ -- Enable stencils⤶ render.SetStencilEnable( true )⤶ -- Set the reference value to 1. This is what the compare function tests against⤶ render.SetStencilReferenceValue( 1 )⤶ -- Refuse to write things to the screen unless that pixel's value is 1⤶ render.SetStencilCompareFunction( STENCIL_EQUAL )⤶ -- Set the entire screen to 0⤶ render.ClearStencil()⤶ ⤶ -- Attempt to draw our entities. Nothing will draw, because nothing in the buffer is 1.⤶ for _, ent in ipairs( ents.FindByClass( "sent_stencil_test" ) ) do⤶ ent:DrawModel()⤶ end⤶ ⤶ -- Let everything render normally again⤶ render.SetStencilEnable( false )⤶ end )⤶ </code>⤶ <output><image src="stencil_clearbuffer_result.jpg" alt="left|400px"/></output>⤶ </example> <realm>Client and Menu</realm>⤶ </function>⤶