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<function name="DrawBox" parent="render" type="libraryfunc"> <description> Draws a box in 3D space. <rendercontext hook="false" type="3D"></rendercontext> </description> <realm>Client</realm> <args> <arg name="position" type="Vector">Origin of the box.</arg> <arg name="angles" type="Angle">Orientation of the box.</arg> <arg name="mins" type="Vector">Start position of the box, relative to origin.</arg> <arg name="maxs" type="Vector">End position of the box, relative to origin.</arg> <arg name="color" type="table" default="Color( 255, 255, 255 )">The color of the box. Uses the <page>Color</page>.</arg> </args> </function> <example> <description>Draws a white box at the position you are looking.</description> <code> local x = Vector(5, 5, 5) hook.Add("PostDrawTranslucentRenderables", "Boxxie", function() local x = Vector( 5, 5, 5 ) ⤶ hook.Add( "PostDrawTranslucentRenderables", "Boxxie", function() local pos = LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().HitPos -- position to render box at render.SetColorMaterial() -- white material for easy coloring cam.IgnoreZ(true) -- makes next draw calls ignore depth and draw on top render.DrawBox(pos, Angle(0, 0, 0), x, -x, color_white) -- draws the box cam.IgnoreZ(false) -- disables previous call end) cam.IgnoreZ( true ) -- makes next draw calls ignore depth and draw on top render.DrawBox( pos, angle_zero, x, -x, color_white ) -- draws the box cam.IgnoreZ( false ) -- disables previous call end ) </code> ⤶ </example> <output>⤶ <upload src="22674/8d9d79b16d43f75.png" size="860258" name="image.png" />⤶ </output>⤶ </example>