Revision Difference
<function name="RenderFlashlights" parent="render" type="libraryfunc">
<description>Renders additive flashlights on an <page>IMesh</page>, a direct replacement for [render.PushFlashlightMode]().</description>
<description>Renders additive flashlights on an <page>IMesh</page>, a direct replacement for <page>render.PushFlashlightMode</page>.</description>
<arg name="renderFunc" type="function">The function that renders the <page>IMesh</page>, or a model.</arg>
<description>Shows an example usage of this function.</description>
function ENT:CreateMesh()
-- Destroy any previous meshes
if ( self.Mesh ) then self.Mesh:Destroy() end
-- Get a list of all meshes of a model
local visualMeshes = util.GetModelMeshes( "models/combine_helicopter/helicopter_bomb01.mdl" )
-- Check if the model even exists
if ( !visualMeshes ) then return end
-- Select the first mesh
local visualMesh = visualMeshes[ 1 ]
-- Set the material to draw the mesh with from the model data
self.myMaterial = Material( visualMesh.material )
-- You can apply any changes to visualMesh.trianges table here, distorting the mesh
-- or any other changes you can come up with
-- Create and build the mesh
self.Mesh = Mesh( visualMesh.material )
self.Mesh:BuildFromTriangles( visualMesh.triangles )
function ENT:DrawModelOrMesh()
-- Move the mesh to the entity's position for upcoming drawing operation
cam.PushModelMatrix( self:GetWorldTransformMatrix() )
-- The material to render our mesh with
render.SetMaterial( self.myMaterial )
-- Draw our mesh
-- Undo the cam.PushModelMatrix call above
function ENT:Draw()
if ( !self.Mesh ) then return self:CreateMesh() end
-- Draw the mesh normally
-- Draw the additive flashlight layers
render.RenderFlashlights( function() self:DrawModelOrMesh() end )