Revision Difference
<function name="SetStencilFailOperation" parent="render" type="libraryfunc">⤶
Sets the operation to be performed on the stencil buffer values if the compare function was not successful.⤶
Note that this takes place **before** depth testing.⤶
<arg name="failOperation" type="number">Fail operation function, see <page>STENCILOPERATION</page></arg>⤶
This is one of the most useful things stencils can do - not render something to the screen and then allow you to draw with the shape it would have been if it `had` rendered.⤶
You can see in the output screenshot that a partially obscured entity will still write its entire shape to the stencil buffer.⤶
hook.Add( "PostDrawOpaqueRenderables", "Stencil Tutorial Example", function()⤶
-- Reset everything to known good⤶
render.SetStencilWriteMask( 0xFF )⤶
render.SetStencilTestMask( 0xFF )⤶
render.SetStencilReferenceValue( 0 )⤶
-- render.SetStencilCompareFunction( STENCIL_ALWAYS )⤶
render.SetStencilPassOperation( STENCIL_KEEP )⤶
-- render.SetStencilFailOperation( STENCIL_KEEP )⤶
render.SetStencilZFailOperation( STENCIL_KEEP )⤶
-- Enable stencils⤶
render.SetStencilEnable( true )⤶
-- Set the reference value to 1. This is what the compare function tests against⤶
render.SetStencilReferenceValue( 1 )⤶
-- Only draw things if their pixels are currently 1. Currently this is nothing.⤶
render.SetStencilCompareFunction( STENCIL_EQUAL )⤶
-- If something fails to draw to the screen, set the pixels it would have drawn to 1⤶
-- This includes if it's behind something.⤶
render.SetStencilFailOperation( STENCIL_REPLACE )⤶
-- Draw our entities. They will not draw, because everything is 0⤶
for _, ent in pairs( ents.FindByClass( "sent_stencil_test" ) ) do⤶
-- If we were to re-draw our entities, we'd see them, but otherwise they're invisible.⤶
-- If we flush the screen, we can show the "holes" they've left in the stencil buffer⤶
render.ClearBuffersObeyStencil(0, 148, 133, 255, false);⤶
-- Let everything render normally again⤶
render.SetStencilEnable( false )⤶
end )⤶