Revision Difference
<function name="SetStencilTestMask" parent="render" type="libraryfunc">
<description>Sets the unsigned 8-bit test bitflag mask to be used for any stencil testing.</description>
<arg name="mask" type="number">The mask bitflag.</arg>
<description>A brief demonstration of masks</description>
hook.Add( "PostDrawOpaqueRenderables", "Stencil Tutorial Example", function()
To understand this tutorial you need to already understand the basics
of binary and bitwise operations.
It would also help to understand hexadecimal notation, since Lua
doesn't have a bitmask input, but I will include binary notation in
comments to help.
-- Reset everything to known good
-- render.SetStencilWriteMask( 0xFF )
-- render.SetStencilTestMask( 0xFF )
render.SetStencilReferenceValue( 0 )
-- render.SetStencilCompareFunction( STENCIL_ALWAYS )
render.SetStencilPassOperation( STENCIL_KEEP )
-- render.SetStencilFailOperation( STENCIL_KEEP )
render.SetStencilZFailOperation( STENCIL_KEEP )
-- Enable stencils
render.SetStencilEnable( true )
-- Force everything to fail
render.SetStencilCompareFunction( STENCIL_NEVER )
-- Save all the things we don't draw
render.SetStencilFailOperation( STENCIL_REPLACE )
-- Set the reference value to 00011100
render.SetStencilReferenceValue( 0x1C )
-- Set the write mask to 01010101
-- Any writes to the stencil buffer will be bitwise ANDed with this mask.
-- With our current reference value, the result will be 00010100.
render.SetStencilWriteMask( 0x55 )
-- Fail to draw our entities.
for _, ent in pairs( ents.FindByClass( "sent_stencil_test" ) ) do
for i, ent in ipairs( ents.FindByClass( "sent_stencil_test" ) ) do
-- Set the test mask to 11110011.
-- Any time a pixel is read out of the stencil buffer it will be bitwise ANDed with this mask.
render.SetStencilTestMask( 0xF3 )
-- Set the reference value to 00011100 & 01010101 & 11110011
render.SetStencilReferenceValue( 0x10 )
-- Pass if the masked buffer value matches the unmasked reference value
render.SetStencilCompareFunction( STENCIL_EQUAL )
-- Draw our entities
render.ClearBuffersObeyStencil( 0, 148, 133, 255, false );
-- Let everything render normally again
render.SetStencilEnable( false )
end )
<description>A somewhat more complicated mask example</description>
hook.Add( "PostDrawOpaqueRenderables", "Stencil Tutorial Example", function()
To understand this tutorial you need to already understand the basics
of binary and bitwise operations.
It would also help to understand hexadecimal notation, since Lua
doesn't have a bitmask input, but I will include binary notation in
comments to help.
-- Reset everything to known good
-- render.SetStencilWriteMask( 0xFF )
-- render.SetStencilTestMask( 0xFF )
render.SetStencilReferenceValue( 0 )
-- render.SetStencilCompareFunction( STENCIL_ALWAYS )
render.SetStencilPassOperation( STENCIL_KEEP )
-- render.SetStencilFailOperation( STENCIL_KEEP )
render.SetStencilZFailOperation( STENCIL_KEEP )
-- Enable stencils
render.SetStencilEnable( true )
-- Only write to the upper 4 bits of the stencil buffer
render.SetStencilWriteMask( 0xF0 )
-- Wipe the stencil buffer to be 0001111. This is not affected by the write mask.
render.ClearStencilBufferRectangle( 0, 0, ScrW(), ScrH(), 0x0F )
-- Always fail
render.SetStencilCompareFunction( STENCIL_NEVER )
-- Don't read any bits from the stencil buffer
render.SetStencilTestMask( 0x00 )
-- When an operation fails, read the current value from the stencil buffer, add
-- one to it and then write it back to the buffer
-- This is not affected by the test mask, but it is affected by the write mask
-- This means we will read 00001111, then write 00010000.
-- However, due to the write mask, this won't affect the last four bits already
-- in the buffer, resulting in 00011111.
render.SetStencilFailOperation( STENCIL_INCR )
-- Add something interesting to the stencil buffer
for _, ent in pairs( ents.FindByClass( "sent_stencil_test" ) ) do
-- Go back to reading the full value from the stencil buffer
render.SetStencilTestMask( 0xFF )
-- Set the reference value to 00011111
render.SetStencilReferenceValue( 0x1F )
-- Render the result
render.SetStencilCompareFunction( STENCIL_EQUAL )
render.ClearBuffersObeyStencil( 0, 148, 133, 255, false );
-- Let everything render normally again
render.SetStencilEnable( false )
end )