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<function name="AddSoundOverrides" parent="sound" type="libraryfunc">⤶ <description>Overrides sounds defined inside of a txt file; typically used for adding map-specific sounds.</description>⤶ <realm>Shared</realm>⤶ <args>⤶ <arg name="filepath" type="string">Path to the script file to load.</arg>⤶ </args>⤶ </function>⤶ ⤶ <example>⤶ <description>Adds and overrides all sounds defined in scripts/override_test.txt</description>⤶ <code>sound.AddSoundOverrides("scripts/override_test.txt")</code>⤶ <output>⤶ SoundEmitter: adding map sound overrides from scripts/override_test.txt [1 total, 1 replacements, 0 duplicated replacements]⤶ ⤶ (Displayed in the console)⤶ </output>⤶ ⤶ </example>