Revision Difference
<function name="FileInfo" parent="steamworks" type="libraryfunc">⤶
<description>Retrieves info about supplied Steam Workshop addon.</description>⤶
<realm>Client and Menu</realm>⤶
<arg name="workshopItemID" type="string">The ID of Steam Workshop item.</arg>⤶
<arg name="resultCallback" type="function">The function to process retrieved data, with the following arguments:
* <page>table</page> data - The data about the item, if the request succeeded, nil otherwise. See <page>UGCFileInfo.</page></arg>⤶
<description>Retrieves all info of the "Wiremod" Steam Workshop addon.</description>⤶
<code>steamworks.FileInfo( 160250458, function( result ) PrintTable( result ) end)</code>⤶
<outputfixedwidth>Fixed width</outputfixedwidth>⤶
banned = false⤶
children = {}⤶
created = 1373845248⤶
description = "too long, removed"⤶
disabled = false⤶
fileid = 763849701485673437⤶
id = 160250458⤶
installed = false⤶
owner = 76561198096613988⤶
ownername = WireTeam⤶
previewid = 597008945885476119⤶
previewsize = 36221⤶
size = 7375691⤶
tags = Addon,tool,Build,Fun⤶
title = Wiremod⤶
updated = 1571560576⤶
score = 0.92941749095917⤶
total = 49119⤶
up = 45695⤶
down = 3424⤶