Revision Difference
<function name="SetTextPos" parent="surface" type="libraryfunc">⤶
<description>Set the top-left position to draw any future text at.</description>⤶
<realm>Client and Menu</realm>⤶
<arg name="x" type="number">The X integer co-ordinate.</arg>⤶
<arg name="y" type="number">The Y integer co-ordinate.</arg>⤶
<description>Draws 'Hello World' on the screen, around top-left of the screen.</description>⤶
hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "HUDPaint_DrawABox", function()⤶
surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 0, 128 ) -- Set color for background⤶
surface.DrawRect( 100, 100, 128, 20 ) -- Draw background⤶
surface.SetTextColor( 255, 255, 255 ) -- Set text color⤶
surface.SetTextPos( 136, 104 ) -- Set text position, top left corner⤶
surface.SetFont( "Default" ) -- Set the font⤶
surface.DrawText( "Hello World" ) -- Draw the text⤶
end )⤶