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<function name="AddNetworkString" parent="util" type="libraryfunc"> <description> Adds the specified string to a string table, which will cache it and network it to all clients automatically.<br/> Whenever you want to create a net message with <page>net.Start</page>, you must add the name of that message as a networked string via this function. If the passed string already exists, nothing will happen and the ID of the existing item will be returned. <note>Each unique network name needs to be pooled once - do not put this function call into any other functions if you're using a constant string. Preferable place for this function is in a serverside lua file, or in a shared file with the <page>net.Receive</page> function. The string table used for this function does not interfere with the engine string tables and has 4096 slots.</note>⤶ The string table used for this function does not interfere with the engine string tables and has 4095 slots. ⤶ This limit is shared among all entities, SetNW* and SetGlobal* functions. If you exceed the limit, you cannot create new variables, and you will get the following warning:⤶ ```lua ⤶ Warning: Table networkstring is full, can't add [key]⤶ ```⤶ Existing variables will still get updated without the warning. You can check the limit by counting up until <page>util.NetworkIDToString</page> returns nil</warning> returns nil</note>⤶ </description> <realm>Server</realm> <args> <arg name="str" type="string">Adds the specified string to the string table.</arg> </args> <rets> <ret name="" type="number">The id of the string that was added to the string table.<br/> Same as calling <page>util.NetworkStringToID</page>.</ret> </rets> </function>