Revision Difference
<function name="IntersectRayWithSphere" parent="util" type="libraryfunc">⤶
<description>Performs a ray-sphere intersection and returns the intersection positions or nil.</description>⤶
<arg name="rayOrigin" type="Vector">Origin/start position of the ray.</arg>⤶
<arg name="rayDelta" type="Vector">The end position of the ray relative to the start position. Equivalent of `direction * distance`.</arg>⤶
<arg name="shperePosition" type="Vector">Any position of the sphere.</arg>⤶
<arg name="sphereRadius" type="number">The radius of the sphere.</arg>⤶
<ret name="" type="number">The first intersection position along the ray, or `nil` if there is no intersection.</ret>⤶
<ret name="" type="number">The second intersection position along the ray, or `nil` if there is no intersection.</ret>⤶
-- Store entity we look at⤶
local ent = NULL⤶
-- Do this every frame⤶
hook.Add( "Think", "Think_IntersectRayWithOBBExample", function()⤶
-- Store player object⤶
local ply = LocalPlayer()⤶
-- If player looked at some valid entity, swtich our entity to that⤶
local trEnt = ply:GetEyeTrace().Entity⤶
if ( IsValid( trEnt ) ) then ent = trEnt end⤶
-- No entity? do nothing⤶
if ( !IsValid( ent ) ) then return end⤶
local start = ply:GetShootPos()⤶
local delta = ply:GetAimVector() * 500⤶
local endpos = start + delta⤶
-- Perform a ray intersection against a sphere from the player's eyes⤶
local frac1, frac2 = util.IntersectRayWithSphere( start, delta, ent:GetPos() + ent:OBBCenter(), ent:OBBMaxs():Length() )⤶
--print( "res: ", frac1, frac2 ) -- For debugging⤶
-- Display intersection points⤶
if ( frac1 ) then⤶
local intersect1 = LerpVector( frac1, start, endpos )⤶
local intersect2 = LerpVector( frac2, start, endpos )⤶
debugoverlay.Axis( intersect1, angle_zero, 10, 0.01 )⤶
debugoverlay.Axis( intersect2, angle_zero, 10, 0.01 )⤶
-- Draw the OBB visualization, requires developer 1 in console.⤶
debugoverlay.Sphere( ent:GetPos() + ent:OBBCenter(), ent:OBBMaxs():Length(), 0.01, frac1 != nil and Color( 0, 255, 0 ) or Color( 255, 0, 0 ) )⤶
end )⤶