Revision Difference
A full list of Source command-line options can be found [here](
# Garry's Mod-Specific Commands
Command Line | Description |
| -noaddons | Temporarily disables folder/legacy addons |
| -noworkshop | Temporarily disables Steam Workshop addons |
| -disableluarefresh | Disables <page>Auto Refresh</page> |
| -multirun | Allows you to launch multiple instances of the game. You will not be able to connect to the same multiplayer server from both instances, unless the server has sv_lan set to 1.<br/><br/>Please note that the sv_lan 1 command must be set before the server is started or a changelevel is required. |
| -nochromium | If on a Beta branch that runs Chromium, disables Chromium. |
| -allowlocalhttp | Allows local IP links (192.168.x.x) to be used with the <page>http</page> functions. This only works on the server. |
| -fullwindowsdump | Generates more detailed crash dumps on Windows. |
| -language | Overrides Steam's language setting for the primary game language, which controls captions and engine panels. |
| +<<page>ConVar</page> name> <value> | Sets value of a console variable after the game is started. |
# Setting up Command Line Parameters in Steam
# Setting up Command Line Parameters in Steam
To set Command Line Parameters (Launch Options) in Steam for Garry's Mod:
* Open your **Steam Library** and right click on **Garry's Mod** and click **Properties**
<image src="Right_Click_GMod.png"/>⤶
<upload src="8cb14/8d8e6134fcb2dba.png" size="20335" name="Right_Click_GMod_new.png" />⤶
* In the pop up window press **Set Launch Options...**
* A new pop up window will appear, where you can enter your desired Launch Options, separated by space
<image src="Launch_Parameters_GMod.png"/>⤶
<upload src="8cb14/8d8e61344ad7435.png" size="171700" name="Launch_Parameters_GMod_new.png" />⤶
* After you are done, press OK and then Close and you are done