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<function name="AddChoice" parent="DComboBox" type="panelfunc"> <description>Adds a choice to the combo box.</description> <file line="142-L162">lua/vgui/dcombobox.lua</file> <file line="138-L158">lua/vgui/dcombobox.lua</file> <realm>Client and Menu</realm> <args> <arg name="value" type="string">The text show to the user.</arg> <arg name="data" type="any" default="nil">The data accompanying this string. If left empty, the value argument is used instead. Can be accessed with the second argument of <page>DComboBox:GetSelected</page>, <page>DComboBox:GetOptionData</page> and as an argument of <page>DComboBox:OnSelect</page>.</arg> <arg name="select" type="boolean" default="false">Should this be the default selected text show to the user or not.</arg> <arg name="icon" type="string" default="nil">Adds an icon for this choice.</arg> </args> <rets> <ret name="" type="number">The index of the new option.</ret> </rets> </function>