Revision Difference
<function name="Button" parent="DForm" type="panelfunc">
<description>Adds a <page>DButton</page> onto the <page>DForm</page></description>
<realm>Client and Menu</realm>
<file line="254-L267">lua/vgui/dform.lua</file>
<arg name="text" type="string">The text on the button</arg>
<arg name="concommand" type="string">The concommand to run when the button is clicked</arg>
<arg name="args" type="vararg">The arguments to pass on to the concommand when the button is clicked</arg>
<arg name="args" type="vararg" default="nil">The arguments to pass on to the concommand when the button is clicked</arg>
<ret name="" type="Panel">The created <page>DButton</page></ret>