Revision Difference
<function name="AddCVar" parent="DMenu" type="panelfunc">⤶
<description>Creates a <page>DMenuOptionCVar</page> and adds it as an option into the menu. Checking and unchecking the option will alter the given console variable's value.</description>⤶
<arg name="strText" type="string">The text of the button</arg>⤶
<arg name="convar" type="string">The console variable to change</arg>⤶
<arg name="on" type="string">The value of the console variable to set when the option is checked</arg>⤶
<arg name="off" type="string">The value of the console variable to set when the option is unchecked</arg>⤶
<arg name="funcFunction" type="function" default="nil">If set, the function will be called every time the option is pressed/clicked/selected.

It will have only one argument:
<page>Panel</page> pnl - The created <page>DMenuOptionCVar.</page></arg>⤶
<ret name="" type="Panel">The created <page>DMenuOptionCVar</page></ret>⤶