Revision Difference
<function name="OnValueChanged" parent="DNumberWang" type="panelhook">
<description>Called when the number selector value is changed.</description>
<realm>Client and Menu</realm>⤶
<arg name="val" type="number">The new value of the number selector.</arg>
<description>Creates a panel with two number selectors that play a male question sound byte and a female answer sound byte based on the new value of each number selector.</description>
-- Background panel
BGPanel = vgui.Create("DPanel")
BGPanel:SetPos(20, 20)
BGPanel:SetSize(100, 55)
-- Statement label
local lbl1 = vgui.Create("DLabel", BGPanel)
lbl1:SetPos(5, 5)
lbl1:SetSize(100, 20)
lbl1:SetText("Statement: ")
lbl1:SetColor(Color(64, 64, 255))
-- Response label
local lbl2 = vgui.Create("DLabel", BGPanel)
lbl2:SetPos(5, 30)
lbl2:SetSize(100, 20)
lbl2:SetText("Response: ")
lbl2:SetColor(Color(255, 0, 255))
-- Number selector for "questions"
local question = vgui.Create("DNumberWang", BGPanel)
question:SetPos(65, 5)
question:SetSize(30, 20)
question:SetMinMax(1, 30)
-- Number selector for answers
local answer = vgui.Create("DNumberWang", BGPanel)
answer:SetPos(65, 30)
answer:SetSize(30, 20)
answer:SetMinMax(1, 40)
-- This is used to prevent overlapping talking
local null = Sound("common/null.wav")
-- Abstraction = cleaner code
function TalkSound(snd)
EmitSound(snd, LocalPlayer():GetPos(), LocalPlayer():EntIndex(), CHAN_VOICE, 1, 80, 0, 100)
-- Play a statement based on new number
function question:OnValueChanged(val)
TalkSound(Sound("vo/npc/male01/question"..string.format("%02d", val)..".wav"))
-- Play an answer based on new number
function answer:OnValueChanged(val)
TalkSound(Sound("vo/npc/female01/answer"..string.format("%02d", val)..".wav"))