Revision Difference
<function name="Draw" parent="ENTITY" type="hook">
Called if and when the entity should be drawn opaquely, based on the <page>Entity:GetRenderGroup</page> of the entity.
See <page>ENT</page> and <page>RENDERGROUP</page> for more information.
See also <page>ENTITY:DrawTranslucent</page>.
<arg name="flags" type="number">The bit flags from <page>STUDIO</page></arg>⤶
<arg name="flags" type="number">The bit flags from <page>STUDIO</page></arg>⤶
<description>Draws the model and makes a rotating text over the entity</description>
-- Draw some 3D text
local function Draw3DText( pos, ang, scale, text, flipView )
if ( flipView ) then
-- Flip the angle 180 degrees around the UP axis
ang:RotateAroundAxis( Vector( 0, 0, 1 ), 180 )
cam.Start3D2D( pos, ang, scale )
-- Actually draw the text. Customize this to your liking.
draw.DrawText( text, "Default", 0, 0, Color( 0, 255, 0, 255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER )
function ENT:Draw()
-- Draw the model
-- The text to display
local text = "Example Text"
-- The position. We use model bounds to make the text appear just above the model. Customize this to your liking.
local mins, maxs = self:GetModelBounds()
local pos = self:GetPos() + Vector( 0, 0, maxs.z + 2 )
-- The angle
local ang = Angle( 0, SysTime() * 100 % 360, 90 )
-- Draw front
Draw3DText( pos, ang, 0.2, text, false )
-- DrawDraw3DTextback
Draw3DText( pos, ang, 0.2, text, true )