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<function name="CreateParticleEffect" parent="Entity" type="classfunc"> <description> Creates a clientside particle system attached to the entity. See also <page>Global.CreateParticleSystem</page> <note>The particle effect must be precached with <page>Global.PrecacheParticleSystem</page> and the file its from must be added via <page>game.AddParticles</page> before it can be used!</note> </description> <realm>Client</realm> <args> <arg name="particle" type="string">The particle name to create</arg> <arg name="attachment" type="number">Attachment ID to attach the particle to</arg> <arg name="options" type="table" default="nil">A table of tables ( IDs 1 to 64 ) having the following structure: * <page>number</page> attachtype - The particle attach type. See <page>PATTACH. **Default:** PATTACH_ABSORIGIN</page>⤶ * <page>number</page> attachtype - The particle attach type. See <page text='PATTACH'>Enums/PATTACH</page>. **Default:** PATTACH_ABSORIGIN⤶ * <page>Entity</page> entity - The parent entity? **Default:** NULL * <page>Vector</page> position - The offset position for given control point. **Default:** nil This only affects the control points of the particle effects and will do nothing if the effect doesn't use control points.</arg> </args> <rets> <ret name="" type="CNewParticleEffect">The created particle system.</ret> </rets> </function>