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<function name="InitializeAsClientEntity" parent="Entity" type="classfunc"> <description> <deprecated></deprecated>⤶ <warning>⤶ You should **NEVER** use this function! ⤶ This function should be removed! <deprecated>⤶ This function got disabled and will always throw an error if it's used. This is the error: ⤶ ```lua⤶ [ERROR] InitializeAsClientEntity is deprecated and should no longer be used. ```⤶ </deprecated>⤶ ⤶ <warning> ⤶ **These are the reasons why this function was disabled:** ⤶ Calling this on **ANY**(even clientside only) entity will cause random crashes, and it will crash the game as soon as the entity is removed! ⤶ **These are the reasons why this function should never be used and removed:** Calling this on **ANY**(even clientside only) entity will cause random crashes and it will crash the game as soon as the entity is removed! ⤶ ⤶ **Some bugs if you call it on a entity that is not clientside only:** ⤶ **Some bugs if you call it on an entity that is not clientside only:** All NWVars break clientside for the given player. The EntIndex becomes -1. The <page text="Entity Table">Entity:GetTable</page> gets cleared every time this function is called. <note> As soon as the Entity re-enters the PVS some bugs will fix themself, but it will still crash the game if the entity gets removed! As soon as the Entity re-enters the PVS, some bugs will fix themself, but it will still crash the game if the entity gets removed! This is behavior only happens for entities, not for players! </note> Calling this function on the World creates a permanent warning that will spam your console. ```lua ] lua_run_cl Entity(0):InitializeAsClientEntity() Refusing to render the map on an entity to prevent crashes! (x9330) ``` Calling this function on an entity that is not **clientside only** causes all networking to break for that specific entity and an Engine Error will occur on a full update (a full update can be forced with `cl_fullupdate`): <upload src="b04e5/8db8f2ceed2528b.png" size="3320" name="image.png" /> Calling this function on a player causes a bunch of unexpected behavior and your game will crash as soon as the player is removed/leaves the server. **Some bugs if you set it on a player (all Entity bugs apply here):** You get some values displayed in the top-left of your screen for some reason. If you call this function on the local player, it causes your eye pos to be your position (EyePos == GetPos): The Player name becomes `ERRORNAME` As soon as the player re-enters the PVS, it crashes the game! ```lua lua_run_cl LocalPlayer():InitializeAsClientEntity() ] lua_run_cl print(LocalPlayer()) Player [-1][ERRORNAME] ``` <upload src="b04e5/8db8f305bc00016.png" size="1506807" name="image.png" /> </warning> Initializes this entity as being clientside only. Only works on entities fully created clientside, and as such it has currently no use due to this being automatically called by <page>ents.CreateClientProp</page>, <page>ents.CreateClientside</page>, <page>Global.ClientsideModel</page> and <page>Global.ClientsideScene</page>. </description> <realm>Client</realm> </function>