Garry's Mod Wiki

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<function name="Input" parent="Entity" type="classfunc"> <description> Fires input to the entity with the ability to make another entity responsible, bypassing the event queue system. You should only use this function over <page>Entity:Fire</page> if you know what you are doing. See also <page>Entity:Fire</page> for a function that conforms to the internal map IO event queue and <page>GM:AcceptInput</page> for a hook that can intercept inputs. See <page>Entity:Fire</page> for a function that conforms to the internal map IO event queue and <page>GM:AcceptInput</page> for a hook that can intercept inputs. </description> <realm>Server</realm> <args> <arg name="input" type="string">The name of the input to fire</arg> <arg name="activator" type="Entity" default="nil">The entity that caused this input (i.e. the player who pushed a button)</arg> <arg name="caller" type="Entity" default="nil">The entity that is triggering this input (i.e. the button that was pushed)</arg><arg name="param" type="any" default="nil">The value to give to the input. Can be either a <page>string</page>, a <page>number</page> or a <page>boolean</page>.</arg> </args> </function>