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<cat>enum</cat> <enum> <description>Enumerations used by <page>PhysObj:AddGameFlag</page>, <page>PhysObj:HasGameFlag</page> and <page>PhysObj:ClearGameFlag</page>.</description> <items> <item key="FVPHYSICS_CONSTRAINT_STATIC" value="2|Won't receive physics forces from collisions and won't collide with other <page>PhysObj</page> with the same flag set."></item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_DMG_DISSOLVE" value="512|Colliding with entities will cause 1000 damage with DMG_DISSOLVE as the damage type, but only if EFL_NO_DISSOLVE is not set."></item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_DMG_SLICE" value="1|Does slice damage, not just blunt damage."></item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_HEAVY_OBJECT" value="32|Will deal high physics damage even with a small mass."></item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_MULTIOBJECT_ENTITY" value="16|This <page>PhysObj</page> is part of an entity with multiple <page>PhysObj</page> , such as a ragdoll or a vehicle , and will be considered during collision damage events."></item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_NO_IMPACT_DMG" value="1024|Colliding with entities won't cause physics damage."></item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_NO_NPC_IMPACT_DMG" value="2048|Like FVPHYSICS_NO_NPC_IMPACT_DMG, but only checks for NPCs. Usually set on Combine Balls fired by Combine Soldiers."></item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_NO_PLAYER_PICKUP" value="128|Doesn't allow the player to pick this <page>PhysObj</page> with the Gravity Gun or +use pickup."></item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_NO_SELF_COLLISIONS" value="32768|We won't collide with other <page>PhysObj</page> associated to the same entity, only used for vehicles and ragdolls held by the Super Gravity Gun."></item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_PART_OF_RAGDOLL" value="8|This <page>PhysObj</page> is part of a ragdoll."></item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_PENETRATING" value="64|Set by the physics engine when two <page>PhysObj</page> are penetrating each other. This is only automatically updated for non-static physics objects."></item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_PLAYER_HELD" value="4|Set when the player is holding this <page>PhysObj</page> with the Gravity Gun or +use pickup."></item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_WAS_THROWN" value="256|This object was thrown by the Gravity Gun , stuns Antlion guards, Hunters, and squashes Antlion grubs."></item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_CONSTRAINT_STATIC" value="2">Won't receive physics forces from collisions and won't collide with other <page>PhysObj</page> with the same flag set.</item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_DMG_DISSOLVE" value="512">Colliding with entities will cause 1000 damage with DMG_DISSOLVE as the damage type, but only if EFL_NO_DISSOLVE is not set.</item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_DMG_SLICE" value="1">Does slice damage, not just blunt damage.</item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_HEAVY_OBJECT" value="32">Will deal high physics damage even with a small mass.</item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_MULTIOBJECT_ENTITY" value="16">This <page>PhysObj</page> is part of an entity with multiple <page>PhysObj</page> , such as a ragdoll or a vehicle , and will be considered during collision damage events.</item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_NO_IMPACT_DMG" value="1024">Colliding with entities won't cause physics damage.</item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_NO_NPC_IMPACT_DMG" value="2048">Like FVPHYSICS_NO_NPC_IMPACT_DMG, but only checks for NPCs. Usually set on Combine Balls fired by Combine Soldiers.</item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_NO_PLAYER_PICKUP" value="128">Doesn't allow the player to pick this <page>PhysObj</page> with the Gravity Gun or +use pickup.</item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_NO_SELF_COLLISIONS" value="32768">We won't collide with other <page>PhysObj</page> associated to the same entity, only used for vehicles and ragdolls held by the Super Gravity Gun.</item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_PART_OF_RAGDOLL" value="8">This <page>PhysObj</page> is part of a ragdoll.</item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_PENETRATING" value="64">Set by the physics engine when two <page>PhysObj</page> are penetrating each other. This is only automatically updated for non-static physics objects.</item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_PLAYER_HELD" value="4">Set when the player is holding this <page>PhysObj</page> with the Gravity Gun or +use pickup.</item>⤶ <item key="FVPHYSICS_WAS_THROWN" value="256">This object was thrown by the Gravity Gun , stuns Antlion guards, Hunters, and squashes Antlion grubs.</item>⤶ </items> </enum>