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<function name="OnCloseCaptionEmit" parent="GM" type="hook"> <description>Called when a caption has been emitted to the closed caption box.</description> <description>Called when a caption/subtitle has been emitted to the closed caption box.</description> <realm>Client</realm> <added>2023.09.19</added> <args> <arg name="soundScript" type="string">The name of the soundscript, or `customLuaToken` if it's from <page>gui.AddCaption</page></arg> <arg name="duration" type="number">How long the caption should stay for</arg> <arg name="fromPlayer" type="boolean">Is this caption coming from the player?</arg> <arg name="fullText" type="string">The caption. Can be nil if its token is not registered</arg> </args> <rets> <ret name="" type="boolean">Return `true` to prevent the caption from appearing</ret> </rets> </function> <example> <code> hook.Add( "OnCloseCaptionEmit", "OnCloseCaptionEmit_Example", function( soundScript, duration, fromPlayer, fullText ) print( "Close caption emitted:", fullText, duration, fromPlayer, soundScript ) end ) </code> </example>