Revision Difference
<function name="OnDamagedByExplosion" parent="GM" type="hook">⤶
<description>Called when a player has been hurt by an explosion. Override to disable default sound effect.</description>⤶
<arg name="ply" type="Player">Player who has been hurt</arg>⤶
<arg name="dmginfo" type="CTakeDamageInfo">Damage info from explsion</arg>⤶
Disables the high pitched ringing sound effect.⤶
Note that this hook does not have a return value, and instead by default it calls <page>Player:SetDSP</page>( 35, false ) in the base gamemode.⤶
hook.Add( "OnDamagedByExplosion", "DisableSound", function()⤶
return true⤶
end )⤶