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<function name="PopulateMenuBar" parent="GM" type="hook"> <ishook>yes</ishook> <description>Called when it's time to populate the context menu menu bar at the top.</description> <realm>Client</realm> <predicted>No</predicted> <args> <arg name="menubar" type="Panel">The &lt;page&gt;DMenuBar&lt;/page&gt; itself.</arg> <arg name="menubar" type="Panel">The <page>DMenuBar</page> itself.</arg> </args> </function> <example> <description>Example usage of the hook</description> <code> hook.Add( "PopulateMenuBar", "My_MenuBar", function( menubar ) local m = menubar:AddOrGetMenu( "Test" ) m:AddCVar( "Item 1", "console_var1", "1", "0" ) m:AddSpacer() m:AddCVar( "Item 2", "console_var2", "0", "100" ) m:AddCVar( "Check console", "console_var3", "1", "0", function() print("I was clicked!") end ) local submenu = m:AddSubMenu( "Submenu" ) submenu:SetDeleteSelf( false ) submenu:AddCVar( "No password", "password", "" ) submenu:AddSpacer() submenu:AddCVar( "Password: test1", "password", "test1" ) submenu:AddCVar( "Password: lolno", "password", "lolno" ) end ) </code> </example>