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<function name="AddPropsOfParent" parent="Global" type="libraryfunc"> <description>This function creates a Custom Category in the Spawnlist. Use <page>Global.GenerateSpawnlistFromPath</page> if you want to create a category with the contents of a folder. <warning>Using this function before <page>SANDBOX:PopulateContent</page> has been called will result in an error</warning> </description> <realm>Client</realm> <file line="139-L172">gamemodes/sandbox/gamemode/spawnmenu/creationmenu/content/contenttypes/custom.lua</file> <args> <arg name="pnlContent" type="panel">The SMContentPanel of the Node</arg> <arg name="node" type="panel">The Node</arg> <arg name="pnlContent" type="Panel">The SMContentPanel of the Node</arg> <arg name="node" type="Panel">The Node</arg> <arg name="parentid" type="number">The ParentID to use</arg> <arg name="customProps" type="table">The Table with the Contents of the new Category</arg> </args> </function> <example> <description>Creates an Example category with 5 Playermodels</description> <code> hook.Add("SpawnMenuCreated", "Example", function() local contents = { [1] = { ["model"] = "models/player/alyx.mdl", ["type"] = "model", }, [2] = { ["model"] = "models/player/arctic.mdl", ["type"] = "model", }, [3] = { ["model"] = "models/player/barney.mdl", ["type"] = "model", }, [4] = { ["model"] = "models/player/breen.mdl", ["type"] = "model", }, [5] = { ["model"] = "models/player/charple.mdl", ["type"] = "model", }, } AddPropsOfParent(g_SpawnMenu.CustomizableSpawnlistNode.SMContentPanel, g_SpawnMenu.CustomizableSpawnlistNode, 0, {["models/player"] = { icon = "icon16/page.png", id = 999, name = "Example", parentid = 0, needsapp = nil, contents = contents }}) end) </code> </example>