Revision Difference
<function name="CreatePhysCollideBox" parent="Global" type="libraryfunc">⤶
Creates a new <page>PhysCollide</page> from the given bounds.⤶
<bug issue="3568">This fails to create planes or points - no components of the mins or maxs can be the same.</bug>⤶
<arg name="mins" type="Vector">Min corner of the box. This is not automatically ordered with the maxs and must contain the smallest vector components. See <page>Global.OrderVectors</page>.</arg>⤶
<arg name="maxs" type="Vector">Max corner of the box. This is not automatically ordered with the mins and must contain the largest vector components.</arg>⤶
<ret name="" type="PhysCollide">The new PhysCollide. This will be a NULL PhysCollide (<page>PhysCollide:IsValid</page> returns false) if given bad vectors or no more PhysCollides can be created in the physics engine.</ret>⤶
<description>A box that interacts correctly with VPhysics objects and player movement.</description>⤶
DEFINE_BASECLASS( "base_anim" )⤶
ENT.PrintName = "Cube"⤶
ENT.Spawnable = true⤶
ENT.Mins = Vector( -16, -16, -16 )⤶
ENT.Maxs = Vector( 16, 16, 16 )⤶
function ENT:Initialize()⤶
self.PhysCollide = CreatePhysCollideBox( self.Mins, self.Maxs )⤶
self:SetCollisionBounds( self.Mins, self.Maxs )⤶
if SERVER then⤶
self:PhysicsInitBox( self.Mins, self.Maxs )⤶
self:SetSolid( SOLID_VPHYSICS )⤶
if CLIENT then⤶
self:SetRenderBounds( self.Mins, self.Maxs )⤶
self:EnableCustomCollisions( true )⤶
self:DrawShadow( false )⤶
-- Handles collisions against traces. This includes player movement.⤶
function ENT:TestCollision( startpos, delta, isbox, extents )⤶
if not IsValid( self.PhysCollide ) then⤶
-- TraceBox expects the trace to begin at the center of the box, but TestCollision is bad⤶
local max = extents⤶
local min = -extents⤶
max.z = max.z - min.z⤶
min.z = 0⤶
local hit, norm, frac = self.PhysCollide:TraceBox( self:GetPos(), self:GetAngles(), startpos, startpos + delta, min, max )⤶
if not hit then⤶
return { ⤶
HitPos = hit,⤶
Normal = norm,⤶
Fraction = frac,⤶
function ENT:Draw()⤶
render.DrawWireframeBox( self:GetPos(), self:GetAngles(), self.Mins, self.Maxs, Color( 255, 0, 0 ), true )⤶