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<function name="Derma_Install_Convar_Functions" parent="Global" type="libraryfunc"> <description> Makes the panel (usually an input of sorts) respond to changes in console variables by adding next functions to the panel: * <page>Panel:SetConVar</page> * <page>Panel:ConVarChanged</page> * <page>Panel:ConVarStringThink</page> * <page>Panel:ConVarNumberThink</page> The console variable value is saved in the `m_strConVar` property of the panel. The panel should call <page>Panel:ConVarStringThink</page> or <page>Panel:ConVarNumberThink</page> in its <page>PANEL:Think</page> hook and should call <page>Panel:ConVarChanged</page> when the panel's value has changed. </description> <realm>Client and Menu</realm> <file line="75-L116">lua/derma/init.lua</file> <file line="80-L121">lua/derma/init.lua</file> <args> <arg name="target" type="Panel">The panel the functions should be added to.</arg> </args> </function> <example> <description>Adds the functions to a panel (snippet of vgui/dcheckbox.lua)</description> <code> local PANEL = {} Derma_Install_Convar_Functions( PANEL ) function PANEL:Init() -- Init function here end function PANEL:Think() self:ConVarStringThink() end </code> <output>The `PANEL` table now contains the functions `SetConVar`, `ConVarChanged`, `ConVarStringThink` and `ConVarNumberThink` (and an `Init` function and a `Think` function)</output> </example>