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<function name="DynamicMaterial" parent="Global" type="libraryfunc"> <description> Creates a dynamic Material from the given materialPath <warning>This function should never be used in a Rendering Hook because it creates a new dynamic material every time and can fill up youre vram.</warning> <warning>This function should never be used in a Rendering Hook because it creates a new dynamic material every time and can fill up your vram.</warning> </description> <realm>Menu</realm> <args> <arg name="materialPath" type="string">The material with path. The path is relative to the `materials/` folder.</arg> <arg name="flags" type="string" default="nil">Some bind of bits / byte. <validate>What does this argument do / use.</validate> Currently working value: "0100010" --nocull smooth</arg> </args> <rets> <ret name="" type="IMaterial">Generated material.</ret> </rets> </function>