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<function name="SetExpression" parent="NPC" type="classfunc"> <description>Sets the NPC's .vcd expression. Similar to <page>Entity:PlayScene</page> except the scene is looped until it's interrupted by default NPC behavior or <page>NPC:ClearExpression</page>.</description> <realm>Server</realm> <args> <arg name="expression" type="string">The expression filepath.</arg> </args> <rets> <ret name="" type="number"></ret> </rets> </function> <example> <description>Function which makes the NPC whom the player is looking at repeat an annoying scene.</description> <code> function GrenadesScene(ply) if(!IsValid(ply)) then return end local npc = ply:GetEyeTrace().Entity if(IsValid(npc) &amp;&amp; npc:IsNPC()) then if(IsValid(npc) && npc:IsNPC()) then npc:SetExpression("scenes/streetwar/sniper/ba_nag_grenade0"..math.random(1, 5)..".vcd") end end </code> </example>